We all remember the bowling scenes from the movie ‘The Big Lebowski’ or the iconic Roy Munson from the movie ‘Kingpin.’ The point we are trying to make is that bowling is not just a sport. It is a phenomenon that has extensive representation in different art forms and mediums.
However, this article is not about how movies represent the game of bowling. Rather, as the title suggests, it is about how to throw a bowling ball with accuracy and speed. Get your bowling shoes, as we are going for a ride!
History of Bowling as a Sport:

Bowling is a fairly modern sport that has taken over the world by storms. Films and television have played a considerable role in popularizing the sport. However, the general history of the game can be traced back to 300 AD.
One might find this information to be far-fetched, but traces of different variations of bowling can be found in ancient Egypt.
According to sources, “wall drawings depicting bowling being found in a royal Egyptian tomb dated to 5200 BC and miniature pins and balls in an Egyptian child’s grave about 5200 BC”.
Therefore, this suggests that a variation of modern-day bowling was present during the period.
Subsequently, a variation of bowling was also present in ancient Germany, not as a sport but as a religious practice. Furthermore, it is also believed that prominent protestant leader such as Martin Luther King was the first person to set the number of pins to nine.
Therefore, bowling has a rich history that dates back several years. In several civilizations, some variation of bowling was present. These historical influences shaped the game into what it is today.
Basics of the Game:

In a game of bowling, the basic objective of a player is to knock down the pins placed at the end of a lane using a bowling ball. Sounds simple enough? However, there are other factors that you need to know before proceeding. You can skip the following part if you are already acquainted with the game.
The primary objective of the game can be explained in a single sentence. Still, there are certain things a beginner needs to know before he or she can play the games:
- Each player gets to bowl ten frames; this includes two rolls. The objective is to hit the pins in such a way that they all fall.
- If a bowler manages to get a strike or knock down all the pins in the first go, he or she will not be offered a second roll. Getting a strike in bowling is equivalent to scoring a goal in football.
- Each bowling lanes have grooves on either side. These grooves are known as gutters. If your ball goes too far off to the left or right, it will fall into the gutter. Therefore, as a bowler, you aim to keep the bowling ball at the very center.
General Rules:

Like every other sport, bowling too has some rules that we need to know about. These are integral to the game, and every player needs to know this before moving forward. Let us look at these rules:
- You cannot bowl in regular shoes. There are shoes for bowling purposes – bowling shoes.
- A bowler can never cross the red line while bowling. If a bowler does so, the throw will not be counted, and the player will not be awarded any points.
- A bowling lane has to be exactly sixty feet from the foul line to pin.
Things to Know:

Now that we have dealt with the basics let’s proceed to the next part of the article that explains how to throw a bowling ball, or better yet, “how to throw a bowling ball like a pro,” in order to get a strike.

However, before getting a strike, you need to know some of the basic bowling styles that can help you with that endeavor. Some of the more common styles of bowling include the five most popular styles. Let us look at them:
- Crankers: The style relies primarily on power and speed to land a strike.
- Strokers: The style relies mostly on accuracy to score points.
- Power strokers: It is a mix of the first two styles of bowling.
- Spinners: As the name suggests, the style relies heavily on the spin of the ball to land a strike.
- Tweeners: Again, a hybrid like power strokers. The style is mostly about moderate spin and high velocity. Like power-strokers, this style is all about consistency as well.

No matter which style you choose, unless you learn how to grip the ball effectively, you will not be able to land a strike. There are three primary grip techniques useful for different situations. Let’s look at them:
- Relaxed: It creates a straight path for the ball. However, it rarely has any scope for hooks (curvature in the line of bowling) or revolution. It can be suitable for beginners.
- Firm: generates comparatively more hooks and revolutions of the ball.
- Strong: Generates most hooks and revolutions. However, the intensity of them relies completely on the player’s strength.
Spin Technique:

Spin techniques are also very important when it comes to bowling a perfect strike. Therefore to know how to throw a bowling ball with spin, we have to know more about some of the spin techniques that are predominant.
- Straight bowling: The ball travels in a straight line without any variation.
- Hook bowling: In this technique, the ball will move from right to left (for a right-handed player).
- Reverse hook bowling: In this technique, the ball will move from left to right (for a right-handed player).
How to Land a Strike?

Now that you know everything about techniques, styles, and grips, it is about time that you are ready to know how to land a perfect strike:
- Find a starting position: If you are a right-handed player, place your left foot between the dots on the floor.
- Finding the target: Once you are sure of the footing, aim at the second arrow from the right. This would help them give more traction.
- Use the first shot as a dupe: Observe where the ball lands and where it rolls, and note how the pins fall. Use this information to adjust your next shot.
Voila! Now you know how to throw a bowling ball and land a strike. You have to keep practicing to ace more strikes.
Final thought.
Given the popularity of the game, anyone can play it both recreationally as well as a proper sport. Even though the rules of the game are very simple, landing a perfect strike can be challenging for someone.
Especially if you are somebody who has never bowled before. No matter your reasons, we hope you know how to ace a strike now. Happy bowling!
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