The 2023 Cup Series has unfailingly showcased the real talent that runs in Denny Hamlins’ vein. Hamlin has returned with a vengeance this year and is dedicated to showing his worth to his peers.
Even Hmalin’s fiercest critics believe that this is a changed man behind the wheel. But all that changed when an accidental wreck from a teammate led Hamlin to lose his position.
More often than not, Hamlin has cited tire issues as the cause behind any mishaps on track. And honestly, he is right.
But now, Hamlin has brought another issue to light, which is equally important and a tad bit concerning. According to Denny Hamlin, the track conditions played an equal part.
Blame Must Be Divided:

Hamlin might be a lot of things, but he is not the one who will shy away from taking a stand and saying the right things.
As a result, you will, at times, find him on the wrong side of the debate, going at it alone. And now, he believes that the blame should not only fall on Goodyear alone.
In fact, this time, he has brought to attention that Texas Motor Speedway is an equal culprit. And suggested that the new SMI’s reconfiguration led to this.
According to Hamlin, “When SMI reconfigured this thing, they did swing and missed on it for sure. I don’t know what you do with it. The next-gen car is really great on all other miles and a half. It’s just this one; it’s very tough. There’s just no tire fall-off. I did the tire test, but Goodyear is always going to choose the most durable tire they can to not blow out.”
This created a whole row of debate in the racing community. Keep following our page for more sports-related content.
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