How does softball differ from baseball? Is it the playstyle or the softball rules? Well, we are here to analyze such questions. So, if you want to know what sets softball apart from baseball, then you are at the right place, my friend. Let us dive right in.
What Is Softball?

Softball is a variant of the popular baseball. The game of softball is usually played with a larger ball and on a smaller field. Sources suggest that the game originated from indoor baseball. This game was first played in Chicago in 1887 and was created by George Hancock.
Over the years, the sport has become quite popular in the United States Of America. As a result, softball is known by several names, like mush ball, indoor-outdoor, playground ball, kitten ball, etc.
Softball can be further divided into two variants: fast-pitch and slow-pitch softball. The slow-pitch variant is usually played recreationally. However, the fast-pitch variant is a professional sport.
Softball shares a lot of commonalities with baseball. However, it is a whole different game with a different set of rules. But first, let us look at the historical side of the game in order to have better clarity of the rules and what sets it apart from its counterpart.
History Of Softball
The earliest record of a softball game dates back to the 1887 Thanksgiving in Chicago. The invention of the game can be attributed to a Yale x Harvard meetup. In a weird turn of events, A Yale alumnus threw a boxing glove at a Harvard student. In an attempt to defend himself, the Harvard alumnus took a stick to deflect the boxing glove.
A reporter named George Hancock recorded the whole incident. Soon enough, Harvard and Yale alumni started playing ball with tightened boxing gloves and broomsticks. The first-ever softball match ended with a score of 41-40.
Fast forward to a week later, Hancock came up with ideas for pieces of equipment. Subsequently, the Farragut Club established the rules. As a result, a new form of baseball game was born. But it was known by different names.
It was not until 1926 that the name ‘softball’ was given to the sport. Walter Hakanson of the YMCA coined the term. Subsequently, by the 1930s, the game was officially named softball. So, this is the rich history behind the popular sport of softball.
Top 5 Softball Rules You Need To Know

With the history and basics out of the way, it is time that we take a moment and look at some of the most basic and integral softball rules in existence. But before we start, I want to clarify that there are several rules that did not feature on our list. This is because I wanted to list some of the most basic and fundamental rules that you need to know in order to start.
Without further ado, let us dive right in and look at some of the most basic softball rules in existence.
Running Bases
A softball pitch contains four bases: first, second, third, and home base. While running, runners have to step on each base to register the base. The runners must advance numerically and counterclockwise. No matter what, this order cannot be broken.
If a runner misses a plate or a base, the run does not get registered. A runner cannot be tagged if he or she is touching the base plate. This is one aspect of softball that is similar to baseball.
A softball match functions similarly to the game of cricket or baseball. One team sets the total runs, and the other team chases it. As a result, ‘out’ is a huge deal. In softball, out is offered according to certain conditions.
If a fielder of the opponent team catches a flying ball, it is an out. If a runner is tagged while running between the bases, it is out. And If a runner is thrown out of the line, it is out. Again, this is a similarity that softball and baseball share.
Each Batter is allowed three strikes before it is called an out. This is called a strikeout and is not the outcome a batter wants. If the batter swings and misses the ball, it is counted as a strike.
The value of a strike is determined by the umpire who is sitting behind the home plate. If a batter misses a perfectly good ball, it is seen as a strike. In the same way, if the ball is unplayable, then the pitcher is called out, and the batter is awarded a free hit.
Softball is played for seven full innings. Whichever team finishes with the most runs will win the match. Each inning is further divided into two parts. In the first part, the home team bats, and the away team will pitch. Vice versa in the second inning.
If a match ends with a tie, an extra inning is played in order to determine the winner. One major difference between baseball and softball is that softball consists of 7 innings, while baseball consists of 9 innings.
Underhand throws
Unlike baseball, pitchers need to adhere to one single rule while pitching. A softball pitcher can only throw underhand balls at his opponent. The throw needs to be in a single motion. If a pitcher stops while winding up his throw, then the pitch is invalid.
Softball is usually played in two different formats: fast-pitch and slow-pitch softball. A slow pitch should be a single-motion pitch without any breaks. Meanwhile, a fast pitch is an underhand pitch where the pitcher is allowed to wind up his or her pitch.
So, these are some of the most basic softball rules that every fan needs to know in order to enjoy the game.
So, there you have it. Here is a detailed rundown of some of the basic softball rules in existence. Even though the game looks and feels a lot like miniaturized baseball, it is a whole different game with its own lineage and history. Think of it like Ping Pong And Table Tennis. Both games started out as a single sport but later on changed completely.